Building with a Variety of Materials - Let's Do Science Bundle

Let’s Do Science is a guide designed to assist generalist elementary teachers in executing engaging science lessons, in which students can learn the science curriculum through the process of inquiry and problem solving. The Building WIth A Variety of Materials- Let's Do Science Bundle contains 123 pages which include:
  • Background information for building materials and the importance of materials in aboriginal cultures,
  • 8 lesson/activity plans which include worksheets and additional materials (such as activity cards) to aid in lesson delivery
  • Additional information to aid in teaching science in the elementary classroom

Downloadable (1 PDF - 123 pages)

The following activities are included in this guide. The list is not prescriptive and teachers may select activities that are most appropriate for their students.



Resources included

Additional resources required


What to Use 

Use background knowledge of a variety of materials, such as wood, metals, glass, steel, etc., to explain the choices of materials used in the construction of traditional and contemporary objects.

Lesson plan

Student worksheet

Vocabulary cards

Various playing cards

1 die per group


A Design Masterpiece

Students will research tipis, focusing on the choices of materials and design. The lesson will conclude by having students create their own tipi, justifying their material choice.

Lesson plan

Student worksheets x2

Material tags

Computer with internet access 

White board

Various construction


Protecting your Noggin'!

Hockey and bike helmets need to be strong to protect your head. In this experiment you will use household materials to build an egg protector and protect an egg from a fall.

Lesson plan

Student worksheet

2 eggs per group

Garbage bags

Various construction materials


Paper Pipelines Project

In this experiment students will build their own pipelines to transport different materials from one place to another. Students will experiment with their pipeline to determine how to make objects flow faster or slower.

Lesson plan

Student worksheet


Small plastic dish/cup


Marbles, golf balls, cotton balls.

Various construction materials 


Build a Musical Instrument

Students will investigate how energy is converted to produce sound energy and music in instruments. Students will then have the opportunity to design and build their own instruments with unique sounds.

Lesson plan

Student worksheet

An instrument

Various construction materials


Building Bridges

In this hands-on design challenge, students are asked to construct a bridge that can withstand the greatest amount of mass. Focus is on identification of forces, documenting the design with a drawing and making design decisions based on testing results/peer feedback.

Lesson plan


Peer review sheet

Arch bridge example


Tape measure

Various construction materials


Buoyant Boats

Design and construct different kinds of small boats in this experiment as you explore the science behind engineering and design.

Lesson plan

Student worksheet

Plastic tub


Pennies or other coins

Stopwatch (preferably visible for the whole class)

Various construction materials



Start thinking about all the packaging we use every day. In this hands-on activity, you’ll need to re-design a package, thinking about the function and materials as well as the environmental impact of using those materials. Can you reduce the amount of packaging?

Experiment details

Packaging example

Various construction materials

