
edacity is about creativity, innovation and entrepreneurialism. Students who participate in one of our edacity programs develop solutions to real-world challenges, whether local or global. An educational hub for all things related to science, innovation, and entrepreneurialism, edacity offers course materials, mentorship connections, and entrepreneurial-inspired events designed to help students connect the dots between their ideas, science and application.

Our growing suite of programming offers course materials to support career and technology studies, and includes: 

Career and Technology Foundations (CTF) Accelerator
  • Current pilot project partnership with Calgary Board of Education in seven Alberta classrooms
  • Course support for middle schools
  • Application of design thinking process, creating tasks based on real-world challenges
Career and Technology Studies (CTS) Innovation Bank
  • For-credit course materials to teach ENT1010 (Dream It), ENT2010 (Build It), and ENT3020 (Expand It) for high school students
  • Three complete courses—combine them or teach each individually
  • Project-based learning
  • Design thinking process and design challenges
  • Explore taking a product to market and career pathways


“My students enjoyed everything I taught them using edacity materials. I could tell that the conversations we were having were shaping their views on what direction they were planning to head in the future.” - Danielle B., high school teacher, Calgary


“For the last three years, our team has been working on genetically engineering pesticides to help get rid of pesticide pollution in water. As a grade eight student when we first began, I felt very insecure about myself and not really confident in who I was. Taking part in geekStarter really helped me branch out and find people who care.” - Grade 10 student, Calgary

